Dear Queen Cultivator,
It's time for a renewal of your Spirit, Body, and Soul.
The younger you within needs your attention.
The you that you've had to protect from the outside elements in this world.
The you that has been guarded due to the walls you put up to protect you from pain, hurt and harm.
Those walls of protection put up to protect the younger you, have become the bars of the cell that's now hindering and blocking you from the Authentic You.
The weeds of negative thoughts based in fear, doubt, and the past are taking over your Garden.
This box s filled with tangible tools, tips, reminders, and the Encouragement the Queen needs to Cultivate the Princess Within.
Dear Queen Box
Each Box Includes(Related to Box Theme):
5-7 Lifestyle items (Items such as but not limited to Candle, Jewelry, Phrased T-shirt, Bag, Mug, Journal, Prayer cards, Etc.)
14-17 Seeds of Encouragement
3 Encouragement tools to Cultivate YOU
7-10 Encouragement Cards
1 Snack